punitive measure 14.09   Palestinians protest the punitive measures.
  punitive action 10.27   That is not a punitive action.
  punitive tariff 8.95   Some punitive tariffs already have been imposed.
  punitive damage 5.46   A punitive damage award could be astronomical.
  punitive sanction 4.28   But there is little support for any punitive sanctions.
  punitive trade 1.38   It could result in punitive trade sanctions against Europe unless the dispute is resolved.
  punitive award 1.25   But punitive awards are actually rare.
  punitive duty 1.18   Money collected from punitive duties will go into government coffers.
  punitive strike 1.05   They are planning punitive strikes on Iraq.
  punitive tax 0.99   People considering retiring early would be caught by that punitive tax.
  punitive step 0.66   The government is expected to take punitive steps against offenders.
  punitive power 0.46   The foundation can advise against using ads it deems offensive, but has no punitive powers.
  punitive airstrikes 0.39   Their departure opened the way for punitive airstrikes in December by the United States and its allies against Baghdad.
  punitive legislation 0.39   Lawmakers threatened to file punitive legislation unless the insurer backed down.
  punitive approach 0.33   But this punitive approach has failed.
  punitive phase 0.33   The punitive phase could last up to two months.
  punitive treatment 0.33   Such punitive treatment of victims is the rule rather than the exception.
  punitive operation 0.26   A man was shot and wounded late Sunday at Bangor, northeast of here, in an apparent punitive operation by paramilitaries, police said.
  punitive raid 0.26   Theuderic, meanwhile, mounted a punitive raid against the Auvergne - ostentatiously avoiding the Burgundian campaign.
  punitive verdict 0.26   Under Florida law, a punitive verdict cannot bankrupt a defendant.
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