pull lower 5.66   Bonds pulled stocks lower with them.
  pull open 3.09   A door being pulled open.
  pull higher 2.63   Grain prices were also pulled higher.
  pull free 2.24   After more hours of digging, Diver was pulled free.
  pull alive 1.84   Six people were pulled alive from the wreckage on Sunday.
  pull tight 1.84   Pull knot tight.
  pull apart 1.58   The two had to be pulled apart as the teams left the floor.
  pull low 1.51   His hat was pulled low over his eyes.
  pull close 1.45   Spain pulled as close as the final margin.
  pull closer 1.05   A major factor pulling them closer is trade.
  pull upright 0.79   He pulled himself upright on the sofa.
  pull clear 0.72   The wheel chocks were pulled clear.
  pull loose 0.66   His tie was pulled loose and his collar hung open.
  pull hard 0.53   He really pulled me hard!
  pull taut 0.53   The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.
  pull backward 0.39   She grabbed his hair and pulled him backward, but he broke free and ran.
  pull straight 0.39   These characters are close to the bone, often pulled straight from real life.
  pull underwater 0.39   Witnesses said the youth was pulled underwater by the shark.
  pull wide 0.39   The eyes are closed, the mouth pulled wide in scream.
  pull forward 0.33   The black hood was pulled forward, well over the face.
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