publishing house 29.43   At stake is a respected publishing house.
  publishing company 20.08   He also founded a publishing company.
  publishing industry 10.66   How worried is the publishing industry?
  publishing business 5.86   She works in the publishing business.
  publishing executive 4.15   A German publishing executive demurred, but only slightly.
  publishing world 4.08   But outside the publishing world?
  publishing group 3.42   The publishing group had a less sexy story.
  publishing magnate 3.16   He is the son of late publishing magnate Malcolm Forbes.
  publishing information 2.90   It also bans publishing information on investigations and trials taking place in Jordan.
  publishing unit 2.76   The publishing unit has also made improvements in customer service.
  publishing firm 2.37   The wealthy one whose father owns a publishing firm.
  publishing division 2.24   Time Inc. is the magazine publishing division of Time Warner Inc.
  publishing article 2.04   That means he is prohibited from speaking with reporters or publishing articles.
  publishing venture 2.04   New publishing ventures are all over the Net.
  publishing market 1.84   Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market.
  publishing software 1.65   Wordprocessors, desk-top publishing software, etc.
  publishing empire 1.58   ...the big Mondadori publishing empire.
  publishing material 1.51   Orders prohibiting the press from publishing material already in hand are rare.
  publishing operation 1.51   The complex also has a basilica and publishing operation.
  publishing right 1.38   Publishing rights were not announced.
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