publish book 39.83   The book is published by Penguin.
  publish report 27.72   Their report is published today.
  publish article 21.13   But the article was published.
  publish result 18.24   KTeV published the result.
  publish study 12.31   The study was published today.
  publish story 12.05   The story was published.
  publish finding 11.26   The authority publishes its findings.
  publish list 10.20   The list would be published.
  publish name 9.48   He asked that his name not be published.
  publish letter 8.16   One letter will be published.
  publish information 8.03   Is that information published by NASA?
  publish photo 7.97   He got the photos published too.
  publish photograph 7.57   The photographs were not published.
  publish paper 7.50   The paper is published on Wednesday.
  publish magazine 7.37   The magazine is published weekly.
  publish picture 7.04   I would not have published the picture.
  publish newspaper 6.78   No newspapers were published.
  publish figure 6.45   Publish the figures.
  publish statement 5.60   I am glad to publish his statement.
  publish work 5.00   His work was published widely.
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