publicity be 6.12   The publicity was good.
  publicity help 1.91   Publicity helps, too.
  publicity make 1.12   What a difference a little publicity can make.
  publicity have 0.86   Publicity can have a bite.
  publicity do 0.72   He said the publicity did it.
  publicity lead 0.66   The negative publicity has already led many to believe that Tompkins is guilty.
  publicity prompt 0.66   But then publicity prompted a change of heart.
  publicity force 0.59   The publicity forced him to condemn the group.
  publicity hurt 0.53   Still, the publicity hurt.
  publicity surround 0.53   As soon as the trial was over, the blaze of publicity surrounding him vanished.
  publicity attract 0.46   But the publicity has attracted a huge crop of rookie walkers to Evergreen Plaza.
  publicity damage 0.46   The adverse publicity had damaged sales.
  publicity bring 0.39   Enjoy, and make the most of, the benefits that this publicity can bring to you.
  publicity get 0.33   Since then the publicity has only gotten worse.
  publicity give 0.33   The publicity gave them a stamp of approval.
  publicity go 0.33   But the publicity has not gone to his head.
  publicity taint 0.33   A university professor hired by the defense has argued that publicity has tainted the local jury pool.
  publicity affect 0.26   The friends were divided, too, over how the international publicity has affected their town.
  publicity die_down 0.26   It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity has died down.
  publicity drive 0.26   This case has been driven by publicity.
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