psychotic episode 2.17   He takes two types of medication to stave off psychotic episodes.
  psychotic killer 0.66   Psychotic killers tend to be memorable.
  psychotic behavior 0.59   In some cases, the psychotic behavior provoked by the drug becomes permanent.
  psychotic delusion 0.53   Six showed evidence of psychotic delusions.
  psychotic disorder 0.53   However, he declined to say whether Serm was suffering from any Psychotic disorders.
  psychotic state 0.53   Other patients come out of their comas in a psychotic state.
  psychotic symptom 0.46   Psychotic symptoms, especially paranoia, are common.
  psychotic feature 0.33   Yates had been treated for schizophrenia and post-partum depression with psychotic features.
  psychotic murderer 0.33   Psychotic murderers.
  psychotic break 0.26   There she suffered her first major psychotic break.
  psychotic breakdown 0.26   James shouted during his latest psychotic breakdown.
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