protestant church 13.89   The German Protestant churches?
  protestant group 13.10   Protestant groups have made more progress.
  protestant party 11.65   The issue has remained sensitive among Protestant parties.
  protestant leader 11.45   Protestant leaders denounce proposals.
  protestant denomination 6.19   So are a couple of Protestant denominations.
  protestant march 6.12   Government blocks Protestant march.
  protestant politician 5.73   Protestant politicians protested the loudest.
  protestant unionist 5.13   The Protestant unionist parties support it.
  protestant paramilitary 4.94   Protestant paramilitary pledges to disarm.
  protestant loyalist 4.61   Protestant loyalists dominated the statelet from its formation.
  protestant area 4.34   He said he would visit Protestant areas later.
  protestant majority 4.02   The Protestant majority formed secular school boards.
  protestant extremist 3.49   Adams has been a target of Protestant extremists.
  protestant parade 3.49   Commission bans contentious Protestant parade.
  protestant minister 3.29   A couple of Protestant ministers were runners-up.
  protestant marcher 3.09   Others hit Protestant marchers.
  protestant militant 3.09   Funeral for Protestant militant slain in jail.
  protestant community 2.76   In Protestant communities, victims often blame the Ulster Defense Association.
  protestant hard-liner 2.44   Protestant hard-liners were furious but stayed away.
  protestant town 2.44   Orangemen and supporters formed human barricades across roads in a dozen mostly Protestant towns.
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