protectionist policy 4.02   In the past, Germany has been criticized for its protectionist policies.
  protectionist measure 2.70   He called for protectionist measures.
  protectionist barrier 1.51   The US approach aims at bulldozing through protectionist barriers to investment.
  protectionist sentiment 1.38   But it would trigger protectionist sentiment in Congress.
  protectionist pressure 1.05   Some fear that protectionist pressures will win the day.
  protectionist tariff 0.53   The rural West was convinced that protectionist tariffs helped the farmer.
  protectionist tool 0.39   The issue this directive deals with should be tackled together with other protectionist tools like golden shares.
  protectionist view 0.39   He has also emphasized his protectionist trade views.
  protectionist economy 0.33   Some people want to have a protectionist economy.
  protectionist law 0.33   Levitt said other companies will now look at the effect of protectionist national laws on their earnings.
  protectionist stand 0.33   Buchanan also found the limits of his protectionist trade stand.
  protectionist action 0.26   This, Aaron said, forced the steel industry to take protectionist action.
  protectionist leaning 0.26   The United States first opposed Ruggiero, claiming he lacked influence and might bolster the protectionist leanings of European governments on agriculture and other issues.
  protectionist legislation 0.26   Would Congress pass ill-advised protectionist legislation?
  protectionist move 0.26   However, Cochran sees the regulations as a protectionist move by the Californian poultry industry.
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