prostate cancer 104.02   A final concern is prostate cancer.
  prostate surgery 5.40   He had prostate surgery last year.
  prostate problem 1.78   Vertigo, urinary and prostate problems crop up.
  prostate tumor 1.32   It may be enough to keep latent prostate tumors from progressing.
  prostate antigen 0.86   P.S.A. stands for prostate specific antigen.
  prostate cell 0.72   The new genetic test looks for a specific string of molecules active in prostate cells.
  prostate enlargement 0.72   Side effects include acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement, shrinkage of testicles.
  prostate operation 0.66   He has been out of the country for several months and recently underwent a prostate operation in Switzerland.
  prostate disease 0.53   This raises a curious truth about benign prostate disease.
  prostate condition 0.39   Since May of last year, Coherent has been in overseas markets with lasers used to treat prostate conditions.
  prostate drug 0.39   Other drugs produced by Synthelabo include Solian, a schizophrenia drug, Xatral, a prostate drug and Aspegic, an analgesic.
  prostate infection 0.39   Only one time in his managing career has Oates been forced off the bench because of a prostate infection.
  prostate exam 0.33   It could have been my yearly prostate exam.
  prostate tissue 0.33   The virus destroys normal prostate tissue as well as cancerous cells.
  prostate treatment 0.33   Hussein is in the Mayo Clinic undergoing prostate treatment.
  prostate trouble 0.33   Those with a family history of prostate trouble.
  prostate ailment 0.26   Boeheim missed three early-season games to have a prostate ailment attended to.
  prostate screening 0.26   The JAMA study is the latest to enter the controversy over prostate screening.
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