prospect be 53.85   There is no prospect of fusion.
  prospect look 5.86   Prospects look rosy.
  prospect seem 5.53   Prospects seemed bleak.
  prospect remain 3.82   Her prospects remain unclear.
  prospect appear 3.49   That prospect appears unlikely.
  prospect improve 2.44   But prospects are improving.
  prospect have 2.04   That prospect has the U.S. alarmed.
  prospect make 1.71   The prospect made Moore smile.
  prospect brighten 1.05   Prospects had also brightened for Cobb.
  prospect dim 1.05   In the Northeast, prospects dimmed.
  prospect include 0.99   Other top GOP prospects include Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, Govs.
  prospect become 0.79   Fresh evidence indicates the prospect has become increasingly likely.
  prospect come 0.79   In January, came the prospect of another shuffle.
  prospect depend 0.72   Its prospects depend on the outcome in other matches.
  prospect get 0.72   Now the prospects cannot get any attention.
  prospect raise 0.72   Nevertheless, the prospect has raised eyebrows.
  prospect send 0.72   That prospect sent stocks surging along a broad front.
  prospect help 0.66   That prospect helped drive bank stocks higher today.
  prospect turn 0.59   But prospects were already turning sour.
  prospect do 0.53   That prospect did little to help the dollar, though.
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