property owner 44.90   Commercial property owners already have.
  property right 44.17   Everyone has property rights to their jobs.
  property market 29.30   The property market is tottering.
  property value 23.57   Property values have fallen sharply.
  property damage 21.79   An excuse for property damage?
  property developer 19.16   Property developers fell.
  property price 17.51   The property prices will drop.
  property stock 15.80   Property stocks rose.
  property sector 15.73   The French property sector remains depressed.
  property company 15.14   Nick runs a property company.
  property development 12.44   Property development, for example.
  property manager 5.79   Colin Warren, Thredbo property manager.
  property sale 4.94   He said the law could discourage property sales.
  property protection 4.87   The thrtellectual property protection.
  property law 4.74   Property laws -- when they exist -- are unclear.
  property share 4.34   Property shares were mixed.
  property dispute 3.88   And the Bradys are winning the property line dispute.
  property investment 3.09   It also has property investments.
  property project 2.90   It is the biggest single property project ever awarded in Hong Kong.
  property issue 2.83   Only one property issue, Wellex Industries Inc., rose.
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