prop foot 0.66   He rocked back in the chair and propped his feet on the desk.
  prop head 0.66   A pillow propped her head, which her spinal curvature has cocked to the right.
  prop artery 0.53   Stents are tiny metal mesh tubes used to prop open arteries.
  prop door 0.46   The doors were propped open.
  prop elbow 0.46   He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.
  prop open 0.39   Every morning, the main clubhouse is unlocked, the doors propped open.
  prop ladder 0.33   The mercer started to direct them as they propped the ladder against the side of the house.
  prop cane 0.26   Two canes were propped in his wheelchair.
  prop forward 0.26   Prop forward Jason Leonard will take over as captain and will lead the team for the first time.
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