progressive disease 1.78   The progressive disease will not get better.
  progressive policy 1.45   But Blount emphasized progressive policies, not bottomless pockets.
  progressive tax 1.18   A progressive tax can also be a highly inefficient one.
  progressive loss 1.12   He suffered a progressive loss of hearing.
  progressive leader 0.92   Progressive leader Jennifer Smith is trying to pull off an upset.
  progressive rock 0.92   Sometimes progressive rock was brilliant as a nova.
  progressive cause 0.86   Montgomery and Foxworth both were active in a variety of progressive causes.
  progressive deterioration 0.86   Recurrent anxiety and depression with progressive deterioration.
  progressive agendum 0.72   Beneath its progressive agenda, it is pure Darwinism.
  progressive idea 0.72   But in the arena of rape law, consent is a progressive idea.
  progressive tradition 0.72   The progressive tradition is not defined by style, or linked by period motifs.
  progressive view 0.72   He is known for his progressive views on Islam.
  progressive paralysis 0.66   That causes progressive paralysis, and finally death.
  progressive system 0.66   Under a progressive system, the wealthier pay more taxes.
  progressive architecture 0.59   Progressive architecture is an oppositional tradition.
  progressive disorder 0.59   AD is a progressive disorder that slowly disables the brain.
  progressive city 0.53   This is a progressive city.
  progressive company 0.53   In fact, many progressive companies actively seek such employee inputs.
  progressive development 0.53   Jardin credits the accolades to progressive artistic development.
  progressive failure 0.53   She developed progressive liver failure and required a liver transplant.
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