professor say 11.39   Not very easily, the professor says.
  professor be 9.15   Her professor is in Utah.
  professor have 2.83   The professor would have none of it.
  professor find 1.91   Professor finds fungus fascinating.
  professor teach 1.84   Professor teaches love for eight-legged creatures.
  professor tell 1.58   The professor told her not to feel bad.
  professor ask 1.45   The professor asked for silence.
  professor use 1.25   Let your college professor use the word first.
  professor take 0.99   Then the professor in him takes over.
  professor begin 0.86   Professors began research together.
  professor think 0.79   What do the tenured professors think?
  professor talk 0.72   A journalism professor talks to middle-class African-Americans about their lives.
  professor do 0.66   What are professors doing now?
  professor go 0.66   But the professors do go out of their way to help.
  professor make 0.66   Mercifully, the professor always makes our tests easy.
  professor want 0.66   Professors also want pay based on merit rather than tenure.
  professor agree 0.59   Law professor Gillers agrees.
  professor call 0.59   Professors called it a delay tactic.
  professor see 0.59   The professor sees her role as similar to that of a coach.
  professor explain 0.53   The professor explained the poem to the class.
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