privatize economy 3.95   The economy is being privatized.
  privatize company 3.49   The government hastily privatized the company.
  privatize industry 2.90   The two agreed the mine industry must be privatized quickly.
  privatize enterprise 1.78   Very few Bulgarian enterprises have been privatized to date.
  privatize bank 1.45   The big bank is being privatized.
  privatize part 1.38   He wants to clean up the bad debt crisis and privatize parts of the public sector.
  privatize system 1.12   For them, privatizing the system makes sense.
  privatize service 1.05   The board balanced the budget and privatized many services.
  privatize airline 0.99   He said privatizing the airline would probably take at least two years.
  privatize operation 0.92   Now Reed is seeking to privatize the operations of the team.
  privatize utility 0.66   And running privatized utilities.
  privatize sector 0.59   But the government has been reluctant to privatize crucial sectors such as communications and transportation.
  privatize business 0.53   Seaga closed the Cuban Embassy and privatized government businesses.
  privatize number 0.53   And the government wants to privatize a number of large state-run industries.
  privatize agency 0.46   The Bush administration was not looking to privatize the agency but merely to salvage it.
  privatize asset 0.46   The World Bank is pressing Kuwait to privatize its assets to help relieve its chronic budget deficit.
  privatize education 0.46   Voucher opponents have long complained that vouchers are a plot to privatize education.
  privatize firm 0.46   Former Mexican President Carlos Salinas privatized state firms to encourage U.S. investment in Mexico.
  privatize management 0.46   Privatizing traffic management.
  privatize portion 0.39   They are also privatizing substantial portions of their socialized economies.
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