price increase 95.59   Er check price increase.
  price hike 34.43   More price hikes are on the horizon.
  price control 31.73   -- How will price controls be enforced?
  price rise 31.53   Bond yields fall as prices rise.
  price cut 30.68   Duracell said no price cuts are planned.
  price competition 19.09   Increasing price competition is eroding profit.
  price range 17.71   Decide on a price range.
  price pressure 17.25   Reports of upward price pressure were limited.
  price decline 16.46   Ivax said price declines varied.
  price cap 15.80   But price caps would have immediate benefits.
  price level 12.97   Find the average price level.
  price stability 11.85   Yes, in this era of price stability.
  price report 10.73   Bonds cheered the price report.
  price drop 9.87   That price drop is not unusual.
  price rose 9.48   Tokyo stocks prices rose.
  price reduction 8.62   He was unaware of the price reduction.
  price inflation 8.49   Then there is the question of consumer price inflation.
  price movement 8.43   Brokers said share price movements were mixed.
  price change 8.16   Expect little price change.
  price spike 7.97   Will that price spike be short-lived?
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