presidency be 13.76   At stake is the presidency.
  presidency say 2.90   The presidency said it had no comment on the issue.
  presidency have 2.04   No, the presidency has.
  presidency announce 1.18   The Croatian presidency announced that upper house elections would be held on the same date.
  presidency rotate 0.92   The presidency rotates each year.
  presidency end 0.72   The rotating presidency ends in June.
  presidency go 0.72   His presidency went unmentioned.
  presidency pass 0.53   Many Italians will be happy to see the presidency pass to others.
  presidency become 0.46   But there are also ways in which the presidency could become stronger.
  presidency come 0.46   He expects the presidency to come to him.
  presidency issue 0.46   The Spanish presidency will issue a statement about the final destination and the Cypriot role, Cassoulides said.
  presidency meet 0.46   A joint presidency has been meeting for months.
  presidency mean 0.39   What a Bush presidency would mean for blacks remains to be seen.
  presidency begin 0.33   His presidency begins on an accidental, even damaged note.
  presidency bring 0.33   But the Kennedy presidency brought new attention to the city.
  presidency carry 0.33   Still, the presidency carries moral authority and legislative veto power.
  presidency change 0.33   But the Clinton presidency has changed that.
  presidency decide 0.33   However the presidency decided to maintain a state of alert.
  presidency do 0.33   The Congress remains a predominantly white institution, as does the presidency.
  presidency hang 0.33   Honest mistake or fraud, the presidency hangs in the balance.
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