preserved lemon 0.92   Add the preserved lemons and olives.
  preserved body 0.72   Still preserved at the Monastero Montevergine is the perfectly preserved body of the Beata.
  preserved corpse 0.39   The shutdown cut the power supply to the mausoleum and a refrigerated glass crypt encasing the preserved corpse.
  preserved meat 0.33   As New Year heralds the end of winter in China, preserved waxed meats take place of pride in New Year ingredients.
  preserved part 0.33   Still, Graham does sit in a beautifully preserved part of the state.
  preserved remains 0.33   Spreading over a broad plain is an extravagance of well preserved stone remains of a prosperous provincial city.
  preserved building 0.26   A few illegal squatters have installed furniture in better preserved buildings, apparently for use during the summer.
  preserved food 0.26   The entrepreneurs enjoyed a field day, disposing of long unsold tents, water and preserved foods, it added.
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