prescribe drug 17.45   He also prescribed the drug Primaquin.
  prescribe antibiotic 4.34   They prescribed antibiotics.
  prescribe medication 3.82   Typically, however, medication is prescribed.
  prescribe medicine 3.42   Doctors prescribed quack medicines.
  prescribe marijuana 1.65   It does not require doctors to prescribe marijuana.
  prescribe treatment 1.38   The psychiatrist considered behavior as well as personality before prescribing a treatment.
  prescribe pill 1.25   The pill is prescribed by a doctor.
  prescribe antidepressant 1.12   They ask these doctors to prescribe antidepressants.
  prescribe dose 0.99   They prescribe heavy doses of free-market liberalisation and globalisation.
  prescribe rest 0.86   Rest is prescribed.
  prescribe remedy 0.66   Sometimes a remedy is prescribed by those who cause it.
  prescribe painkiller 0.59   She readily found doctors willing to prescribe the painkiller.
  prescribe narcotic 0.53   In pain, though, Ryan eventually found other doctors willing to prescribe the narcotic.
  prescribe course 0.46   My doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics.
  prescribe penalty 0.46   The Taliban announcement warned against publishing anti-Taliban material but did not prescribe a penalty.
  prescribe beheadings 0.39   Saudi Arabia is governed by Islamic law, or Sharia, which prescribes beheadings for murderers and rapists.
  prescribe estrogen 0.39   So her doctor prescribed estrogen.
  prescribe procedure 0.39   Prescribe procedures in connection with application for the grant of licences.
  prescribe rule 0.39   His panel prescribed rules for the industry to police itself and get rid of unsavory practices.
  prescribe aspirin 0.33   Daily aspirin is widely prescribed to prevent blood clots in people with heart disease.
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