premium price 11.72   Premium price.
  premium service 4.61   Choice has not been considered in premium rate services.
  premium increase 3.82   Crandall said he expects premium increases to continue.
  premium brand 3.23   Will Bain also restrict itself to being a premium brand?
  premium rate 3.16   These premium tax rates are very key.
  premium channel 3.09   It premieres on the premium cable channel Starz!
  premium income 2.70   This is contributing to the decline in premium income, analysts said.
  premium payment 2.70   The poor would be exempt from the premium payment.
  premium wine 2.24   That was premium fine wines.
  premium product 1.51   The SPAT gardeners produce a premium product, Tetrault said.
  premium seat 1.51   Luxury boxes and premium seats were easy sells.
  premium cigar 1.38   Each has a premium cigar plugged into its mouth.
  premium cost 1.38   That sparks higher premium costs.
  premium beer 1.25   Premium beer.
  premium market 1.25   Like a Sam, Boston Beer shares are a top-shelf product in a premium market.
  premium fuel 0.86   Many SUVs require premium fuel.
  premium level 0.86   As premium levels vary, so does the commission.
  premium dollar 0.72   The late starting time means premium advertising dollars.
  premium gasoline 0.72   It does, however, require premium gasoline.
  premium pay 0.72   People enrolled in Part B pay a premium.
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