prejudice jury 1.45   The evidence was kept secret to avoid prejudicing a jury.
  prejudice juror 0.92   Raggi said it could prejudice jurors against Abu Maizar.
  prejudice outcome 0.72   He refused to comment, saying he did not wish to prejudice the outcome of the talks.
  prejudice trial 0.72   Ashcroft never made a statement that would prejudice a trial, the government countered.
  prejudice case 0.66   In short, specialists said, lawyers cannot prejudice the case by talking to the media.
  prejudice investigation 0.66   The police will not speculate on motives behind the arson, saying it would prejudice their investigation.
  prejudice negotiation 0.46   Palestinians view any physical barriers as a land grab and an attempt to prejudice negotiations on the final status of the occupied lands.
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