prehistoric time 2.50   This was so as early as prehistoric times.
  prehistoric man 1.05   Also Piltdown, hometown of the hoax prehistoric man.
  prehistoric creature 0.99   -style roundup of prehistoric creatures!
  prehistoric people 0.99   We always think prehistoric people were in tune with nature.
  prehistoric animal 0.59   It is believed that they are the fossilized teeth of a prehistoric animal.
  prehistoric cave 0.59   ...the famous prehistoric cave paintings of Lascaux.
  prehistoric site 0.59   Eastern Crete, too, offers mountains, beaches and prehistoric sites.
  prehistoric life 0.46   The topics discussed also included the possibility of prehistoric microbial life on Mars.
  prehistoric remains 0.46   The question of affiliation between distantly prehistoric remains and modern tribes is a central issue.
  prehistoric bone 0.39   Or ponder prehistoric bones,
  prehistoric culture 0.39   It was there that Jackson first became acquainted with the ruins of prehistoric Indian cultures.
  prehistoric artifact 0.33   The caves contained many prehistoric artifacts.
  prehistoric beast 0.33   A stamp left in the mud by some prehistoric beast.
  prehistoric fossil 0.33   Jim and I were very impressed with the prehistoric fossils.
  prehistoric human 0.33   The movie has prehistoric humans, too.
  prehistoric painting 0.33   This makes these the oldest known examples of prehistoric paintings.
  prehistoric ancestor 0.26   Our prehistoric ancestors evolved to cope with periods of food scarcity.
  prehistoric art 0.26   American archeologists and specialists in prehistoric art subscribe to a similarly broad interpretation of art.
  prehistoric era 0.26   The target area is also rich in remnants from a prehistoric era.
  prehistoric hunter 0.26   Were the giants driven to extinction by prehistoric human hunters?
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