preferred share 11.32   Preferred shares occupy a clear niche.
  preferred method 3.55   Is there a preferred method?
  preferred candidate 2.96   Another four parties failed to submit any preferred candidate.
  preferred dividend 2.70   The company paid preferred dividends.
  preferred way 2.17   Triangulation was his preferred way to describe it.
  preferred option 2.04   And that is not always the preferred option.
  preferred shareholder 1.84   By voting no, the preferred shareholders could derail the merger.
  preferred route 1.78   Interstate highways are the preferred routes.
  preferred mode 1.58   A jeep is the preferred mode of travel.
  preferred provider 1.38   And Doogie Howser is the preferred provider in my HMO.
  preferred destination 1.32   Their preferred destination was Greece, Avital said.
  preferred drug 1.32   These companies could establish lists of preferred drugs.
  preferred bidder 1.25   WMC beat at least three opponents to become the preferred bidder.
  preferred successor 1.18   Ferguson has also anointed her as his preferred successor.
  preferred form 1.12   Her preferred form of headgear is a big, floppy hat.
  preferred investment 1.12   The preferred investment is that with the highest NPV.
  preferred medium 1.05   Her preferred medium is sculpture.
  preferred choice 0.99   Get over the disappointment of having all your preferred choices randomly rejected.
  preferred customer 0.92   The cuts are for preferred customers only.
  preferred position 0.92   Which is why the Astros suddenly are in a preferred position.
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