preferential treatment 27.39   And he no longer enjoyed preferential treatment.
  preferential trade 4.54   The old pact allowed for preferential trade.
  preferential rate 2.17   There is no preferential rate for capital gains.
  preferential tariff 2.04   They only enjoy preferential tariff rates.
  preferential access 1.78   It also gives ACP products preferential access to EU markets.
  preferential loan 1.65   Opponents of chaebol ownership argue that banks would offer preferential loans to their parent groups.
  preferential policy 1.58   The black conservative essayist continues his critique of preferential policies.
  preferential tax 1.45   Preferential tax treatment ordered.
  preferential term 1.18   Cuba will pay for the oil in barter and in cash under preferential financing terms.
  preferential right 0.66   EuroDisney shareholders had preferential rights to subscribe.
  preferential price 0.59   Half of it provided free and the remainder is bought at preferential prices.
  preferential status 0.53   Labor has said given Likud preferential status in coalition building talks.
  preferential bank 0.39   The country will also use other means to give threatened industries an edge, including preferential bank loans and tax breaks.
  preferential agreement 0.33   GATT said that such preferential agreements could have a far-reaching impact on world trade.
  preferential arrangement 0.33   The two countries expressed the hope that a SAARC preferential trading arrangement would come into operation soon.
  preferential creditor 0.33   Preferential creditors, such as employees are second in line, followed by holders of any debentures.
  preferential investment 0.33   Apple-SSP will be located in the South Software Park in Zhuhai, a preferential investment zone in southeastern Guangdong province.
  preferential market 0.33   By granting preferential market access to members, it would discriminate against exports from non-members.
  preferential payment 0.33   Various preferential payment schemes are being offered by the developer.
  preferential program 0.33   But she said, his job would be threatened by cutbacks in preferential programs.
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