practice be 70.70   And practice is over.
  practice begin 4.94   Then, practice began.
  practice make 4.48   Practice made perfect.
  practice continue 4.28   Practice continued.
  practice become 4.15   Practice becomes frustrating.
  practice have 3.29   The practice has defenders.
  practice go 3.09   Practice went too long.
  practice end 2.90   Practice ended.
  practice help 2.50   Practice helps.
  practice violate 2.30   That practice violates health codes.
  practice start 2.24   Practice more starts?
  practice allow 1.97   But such lax registration practices allow for fraud.
  practice seem 1.91   Practices seemed insincere.
  practice lead 1.78   Practice leads to improvement.
  practice come 1.71   Such practices have come under increased scrutiny lately.
  practice spread 1.65   Expect the practice to spread.
  practice grow 1.45   His practice slowly grew.
  practice include 1.45   The practice included plenty of hugs.
  practice remain 1.32   Still, the practice remains widespread.
  practice involve 1.25   The practice usually involves army servicemen.
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