powder form 2.37   It also can be in powder form.
  powder cocaine 0.99   Christian said Hernandez had powder cocaine on him.
  powder burn 0.79   She had a powder burn on her right thumb.
  powder snow 0.72   When dry powder snow falls on top of that, it is far less apt to melt.
  powder beetle 0.39   A. They could be powder post beetles or old house borers.
  powder charge 0.26   The Hunley rammed a black powder charge at the end of a spar into the Union ship.
  powder coating 0.26   Powder coatings will be produced on the same site.
  powder milk 0.26   The parcels contain rice, flour, macaroni, and powder milk, the ITAR-Tass news agency said.
  powder mill 0.26   Just outside the powder mill, a sign points to a path that runs downhill beside a water channel to the ruins of other mills.
  powder paint 0.26   Has anybody any white powder paint?
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