potassium level 0.72   Some trainers order blood tests to check potassium levels in their horses.
  potassium ion 0.53   Typically, sodium ions are excluded and potassium ions are hoarded.
  potassium channel 0.46   There are no very highly specific organic inhibitors for potassium channels.
  potassium concentration 0.46   As a result, extracellular potassium concentration Decreases.
  potassium supplement 0.46   A few years later, her cardiologist prescribed a potassium supplement and a diuretic.
  potassium atom 0.33   In the usual process, sodium atoms in the surface layer of the glass are replaced by potassium atoms.
  potassium ferrocyanide 0.33   Potassium ferrocyanide contains small quantities of deadly cyanide.
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