position of 232.92   He held the position of factory manager.
  position on 159.12   Position on with a little water.
  position as 75.25   He abused his position as a doctor.
  position at 58.66   A head coaching position at Wyoming?
  position for 57.60   He has held that position for a generation.
  position with 48.39   Position on with a little water.
  position to 27.78   I am not in a position to comment.
  position by 19.82   The priest rose from his kneeling position by the bed.
  position around 14.75   He said Serb positions around Sarajevo were struck.
  position after 13.82   Australia in strong position after first day.
  position near 13.69   Army drives Hutu rebels from positions near capital.
  position against 10.14   They had only three runners in scoring position against Sele.
  position from 9.74   Clinton in awkward position from arrests.
  position within 9.41   He also held many key positions within the UN.
  position before 9.15   Tiger Woods was in this position before.
  position than 7.64   As for Polly, she was in a much worse position than Jack.
  position during 6.91   I really backed our position during the strike.
  position outside 6.85   Lebanese troops manning position outside went on alert.
  position along 6.32   Soldiers also took up positions along the highway.
  position over 5.27   But both sides stuck to their positions over IRA arms.
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