polluted water 7.44   ...foul polluted water.
  polluted air 2.96   But how does polluted air collect on top?
  polluted area 1.97   In moderately polluted areas, the risk was double.
  polluted river 1.97   Children bathe in polluted rivers.
  polluted city 1.91   It is also the fourth most polluted city in the world.
  polluted site 1.91   The rest would be spent cleaning up polluted sites around the state.
  polluted runoff 0.92   In later phases, cities and developers will be expected to take steps to control polluted runoff.
  polluted soil 0.92   Our roots are deeply embedded in polluted soil.
  polluted lake 0.72   And across the nation, there were thousands of polluted lakes and rivers.
  polluted sea 0.59   Gulf war soldiers, burning oil, bearded fanatics, polluted seas and flat, bleak desert.
  polluted stream 0.53   His dyspepsia runs through the book like a polluted stream.
  polluted canal 0.33   Others were forced to wade through a polluted canal as punishment.
  polluted state 0.33   Bush, Texas is the most polluted state in the union.
  polluted waterway 0.33   They also say too little emphasis is paid to improving polluted waterways.
  polluted capital 0.26   A sweeping anti-smoking law was imposed in the highly polluted Indian capital on Sunday.
  polluted region 0.26   The finding comes from studies in heavily polluted regions of Eastern Europe.
  polluted spot 0.26   Central London is the most polluted spot in Britain.
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