polite applause 6.06   Polite applause.
  polite society 2.90   The subject was rarely mentioned in polite society.
  polite conversation 2.63   Instead, they had a polite conversation.
  polite way 1.45   It was a polite way of saying no.
  polite man 1.25   He seemed a very polite young man.
  polite company 1.18   It was not the sort of thing you did in polite company.
  polite smile 1.12   She forced a polite smile instead.
  polite reception 0.72   At Fox they got a polite reception.
  polite request 0.72   The time for polite requests was over, he declared.
  polite word 0.66   But the polite words mask a struggle for power.
  polite manner 0.59   Her toothy smile and polite manners are downright engaging.
  polite interest 0.53   They were watching his legs with polite interest.
  polite term 0.53   No one couches criticism in polite terms any more.
  polite distance 0.46   The fog kept a polite distance.
  polite thing 0.46   That seemed the polite thing to do.
  polite behavior 0.39   Polite behavior in desperate circumstances.
  polite debate 0.39   This was the polite debate.
  polite question 0.39   No, it is not a very polite question.
  polite rejection 0.39   That was a polite rejection.
  polite talk 0.39   Japan ponders breakdown in polite talk.
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