polio vaccine 5.86   The polio vaccine!
  polio virus 2.50   Vaccines eliminated the dreaded polio virus.
  polio victim 1.51   His mother was a polio victim, confined to a wheelchair.
  polio case 1.32   India has more than half the polio cases on Earth.
  polio campaign 1.05   He has been enlisted to help in the polio eradication campaign.
  polio vaccination 0.99   The two were headed to a village west of Pristina to help organize polio vaccinations.
  polio patient 0.72   Care for polio patients was costly.
  polio epidemic 0.59   A year later, she helped battle a polio epidemic in New Haven.
  polio eradication 0.53   Farrow is a UNICEF spokeswoman on polio eradication.
  polio immunization 0.53   In many polio immunizations, volunteers also distribute Vitamin A.
  polio survivor 0.46   Decades later, crippling symptoms flare for polio survivors.
  polio outbreak 0.39   Polio outbreak in Caribbean blamed on low rate of immunization,
  polio shot 0.39   Miss Nancy got real polio shots on the air to soothe fears of the doctor.
  polio infection 0.33   Pano did not have an overall estimate of the number of polio infections in Albania.
  polio program 0.33   Yet, the polio program has not been without detractors.
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