plot twist 10.27   Lots of plot twists.
  plot device 2.96   Stuck for a plot device?
  plot development 2.57   It is classic plot development.
  plot point 1.65   Yet plot points are beside the point.
  plot turn 1.32   The plot turns are truly surprising.
  plot summary 1.05   No mere plot summary could possibly do this movie justice.
  plot element 0.92   Similar plot elements appear throughout.
  plot contrivance 0.86   There are plot contrivances.
  plot hole 0.79   The movie is undone by huge plot holes and its own gruesome tone.
  plot thread 0.72   Three plot threads run simultaneously.
  plot synopsis 0.66   The plot synopsis is simple.
  plot strand 0.59   Finding out who Rita really is is one plot strand.
  plot complication 0.46   It does have plenty of plot complications, none of them intriguing.
  plot outline 0.46   Plot outlines were invited, but not required.
  plot strategy 0.39   Bush helped plot strategy for the referendum campaign but kept a low profile.
  plot charge 0.33   No details have been released of the murder plot charge, made on Friday.
  plot detail 0.33   Any other plot details Jackson cares to share?
  plot machination 0.33   The plot machinations get more convoluted and less believable as the long hostage night wears on.
  plot mechanics 0.33   The plot mechanics have changed slightly as well.
  plot structure 0.33   A child comes to a book knowing characters, setting, and plot structure.
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