pledge support 30.81   President Clinton pledged his support.
  pledge cooperation 9.02   He pledged his cooperation.
  pledge allegiance 5.86   They pledged their allegiance.
  pledge loyalty 3.82   He has pledged loyalty to Hun Sen.
  pledge money 3.29   He called to pledge money to the charity.
  pledge aid 3.23   Donors expected to pledge continued aid.
  pledge commitment 2.50   No firm commitment has been pledged by the donor countries.
  pledge help 2.24   Individual nations did not pledge financial help.
  pledge reform 2.24   Brown had pledged reforms as sheriff.
  pledge assistance 2.17   At summit, leaders pledged mutual assistance.
  pledge effort 2.17   Clinton pledged all efforts to wipe out terrorism.
  pledge troop 1.78   Clinton pledges more troops for Kosovo force.
  pledge share 1.05   The shares had been pledged as collateral for a loan.
  pledge solidarity 1.05   In San Luis on Wednesday, re porters also pledged solidarity.
  pledge action 0.92   The government has pledged quick action.
  pledge billion 0.86   The European Union has pledged billions as well.
  pledge force 0.86   Denmark did not pledge any forces.
  pledge future 0.86   Tuesday Kinnear pledged his future to Wimbledon.
  pledge donation 0.79   Alomar subsequently pledged the donation.
  pledge fund 0.79   The ASEAN nations have pledged funds for the program.
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