please people 2.44   I like to please people.
  please fan 2.30   Fans are pleased, too.
  please investor 2.04   That pleased investors.
  please audience 1.91   He knows how to please an audience.
  please customer 1.32   He strives to please his customers.
  please parent 1.25   I only got Married to please my parents.
  please official 1.05   Israeli officials were not pleased by the sentence.
  please call 0.92   Please call.
  please group 0.92   The movie makes an effort to please both groups.
  please mother 0.92   Eddie had pleased his mother by kissing her.
  please father 0.86   But first, Looie tried to please his father.
  please note 0.86   Robert Shapiro, please note.
  please side 0.86   Often he has pleased neither side.
  please voter 0.79   Politicians, in the end, must try to please voters.
  please analyst 0.72   That pleases analysts.
  please crowd 0.72   This is a must if one is to please the crowd.
  please public 0.72   He tends to know what to say to please the public.
  please show 0.72   Those, those supporting that please show?
  please company 0.66   A Schwab spokesman said the company was pleased by the upgrade.
  please contact 0.66   Please contact if you require help.
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