place take 1.25   -- There still are many places that take only cash.
  place win 0.79   Russians are well placed to win the two other events.
  place be 0.59   What better place to be?
  place make 0.59   Germany was ideally placed to make it.
  place do 0.39   And third, am I best placed to do it?
  place find 0.39   And the more places to find the same item.
  place help 0.39   Nearby Japan and South Korea are best placed to help.
  place comment 0.33   He was well placed to comment.
  place go 0.33   To go up her place for a dinner party or something.
  place raise 0.33   Good place to raise kids.
  place see 0.33   What a wonderful place to see a ballgame.
  place become 0.26   Sir Donald said Hong Kong was ideally placed to become a centre for new ideas in IT.
  place benefit 0.26   Massachusetts speaker companies are well placed to benefit if the market for high-end computer audio takes off.
  place ensure 0.26   The spouts are placed so as to ensure no seed drops down the deep furrows immediately behind the subsoiler legs.
  place form 0.26   It is best placed to form a ruling coalition with socialists, agrarians and independent deputies.
  place give 0.26   The fact is, we are the nation best placed to give that leadership.
  place live 0.26   Six months later, he still has no permanent place to live.
  place look 0.26   What do we want a perfect place to look life?
  place say 0.26   When police placed a car bomb nearby, he said, the Berishas fled to the other side of the city.
  place score 0.26   First he fired wide when well placed to score and then was unlucky when what appeared to be a goalbound shot hit a divot and deflected onto the post.
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