place finish 6.25   Rocca was mystified by his second place finish.
  place name 3.69   Strange place names.
  place team 3.16   Iowa was the sixth place team in the Big Ten.
  place finisher 2.30   Two third place American finishers also caught the eye.
  place kicker 1.45   The place kickers were perfect.
  place rule 1.32   The round was played under lift, clean and place rules.
  place vote 1.32   They had three first place votes.
  place point 1.05   It left them in second place eight points behind the champions.
  place play-off 0.99   But Lacroix still has the third place play-off to come.
  place restriction 0.99   Employers can no longer place age restrictions on applicants.
  place measure 0.92   The NATO-led peace force was putting in place strict security measures.
  place cell 0.72   Humans also have place cells, Wilson said.
  place people 0.72   And a place people find.
  place policy 0.72   The report finds that the majority of states have put in place testing policies.
  place side 0.72   Many others came just to watch and place side bets.
  place close 0.53   The President liked to go to Williamsburg, a place close to his heart.
  place emphasis 0.53   The daily also will bolster its economic and financial reporting, and place greater emphasis on sports and science.
  place chicken 0.46   Pour off water, and place chicken in pan.
  place limit 0.46   Those amendments place limits on the testing of anti-missile systems.
  place match 0.46   Denmark were to play France in a fifth place playoff match.
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