pick in 25.74   Last year, I threw four picks in a game.
  pick of 18.17   Gingrich will have his pick of offices.
  pick up 15.08   Go pick up her kid.
  pick for 9.81   Ty made the pick for seven.
  pick from 8.62   Otherwise, take your pick from Sunday.
  pick to 5.86   Dallas traded the pick to Toronto this week.
  pick on 4.21   The team has six more picks on Sunday.
  pick by 3.36   Donaldson is the pick by default.
  pick out_of 3.29   He was a fifth-round pick out of Texas Tech.
  pick as 3.23   He was a unanimous pick as champion older horse.
  pick with 1.65   My choices were random picks with no rationale.
  pick after 1.12   The Ohio State receiver was taken only three picks after Ogden.
  pick at 1.12   Bush, having already had cereal, usually picks at a bowl of fruit.
  pick over 1.05   They had the option of taking the pick over a three-year period.
  pick among 0.92   They have the third pick among conference teams.
  pick before 0.59   She rushed through her picks before leaving the country for two weeks.
  pick in_exchange_for 0.53   The Bulls also got a second-round pick in exchange for forward Brian Skinner.
  pick into 0.53   He joked about keeping his choice a surprise and sneaking his pick into his tiny hometown.
  pick out 0.53   Er, just as I think that erm a variety of descriptions can pick out me.
  pick through 0.46   The teams will alternate picks through the remainder of the first round.
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