philosophical difference 6.98   Philosophical differences.
  philosophical question 2.83   Maybe it was a philosophical question.
  philosophical discussion 1.71   We have had many philosophical discussions on the subject.
  philosophical approach 1.51   Friend took a philosophical approach.
  philosophical issue 1.45   This is not a big philosophical issue.
  philosophical debate 1.32   Actually, it was more a philosophical debate.
  philosophical problem 1.18   There appears to be a philosophical problem here.
  philosophical shift 0.92   Indeed, philosophical shifts are fuel for the fashion arena.
  philosophical view 0.92   Sabine takes a more philosophical view.
  philosophical disagreement 0.86   There were not many philosophical disagreements.
  philosophical argument 0.79   And who won their philosophical argument?
  philosophical implication 0.79   This line of investigation could have profound philosophical implications.
  philosophical discourse 0.66   To boil down philosophical discourse to a duet is a risk.
  philosophical divide 0.66   Beyond this philosophical divide lie pragmatic political concerns.
  philosophical ground 0.66   Still others objected on philosophical grounds.
  philosophical bent 0.59   Bensard came to his philosophical bent early.
  philosophical change 0.59   It is not necessarily a big philosophical change.
  philosophical line 0.59   The high court split along philosophical lines.
  philosophical objection 0.59   Thompson said he has no philosophical objection to lifting the ban.
  philosophical underpinning 0.59   There is no philosophical underpinning to him.
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