peruvian government 13.50   We hope the Peruvian government will act cautiously.
  peruvian stock 8.95   Peruvian stocks also fell on concern about exports.
  peruvian official 8.82   Peruvian officials said none had been filed.
  peruvian authority 5.86   Peruvian authorities dismiss the concerns.
  peruvian troop 3.55   From there they fire mortars down on Peruvian troops.
  peruvian president 3.42   He was speaking of the Peruvian president, Alberto Fujimori.
  peruvian police 2.76   Peruvian police were involved in the search.
  peruvian force 2.24   Ecuador said Peruvian forces attacked the Teniente Ortiz military outpost.
  peruvian capital 2.17   The bombings shattered months of calm in the Peruvian capital.
  peruvian soldier 2.04   Two Peruvian soldiers were killed in the attack.
  peruvian embassy 1.97   The government also contacted the Peruvian embassy in Tokyo.
  peruvian law 1.84   Under Peruvian law, Paniagua cannot run in that election.
  peruvian military 1.78   The Peruvian military has not commented on the report.
  peruvian helicopter 1.71   A second Peruvian helicopter was reported missing.
  peruvian jail 1.71   Guzman is now serving out a life sentence in a Peruvian jail.
  peruvian television 1.65   He spoke on Peruvian television.
  peruvian company 1.58   It would be the first Peruvian mining company to list shares abroad.
  peruvian jungle 1.51   They also have demanded safe passage with some of their captives to the Peruvian jungle.
  peruvian guerrilla 1.38   Mystery surrounds Peruvian guerrillas.
  peruvian officer 1.32   Officials said it is unclear whether the Peruvian officer did so.
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