personnel be 18.24   The personnel is his.
  personnel have 3.42   The personnel would have to be recruited.
  personnel say 2.83   First-aid personnel said problems were minor.
  personnel take 1.97   The Starlight personnel took over.
  personnel arrive 1.71   Fire department personnel arrived a short time later.
  personnel fire 1.71   Rao said the security personnel fired in self-defence.
  personnel work 1.25   The military personnel worked for free, he said.
  personnel remain 1.18   U.S. personnel will remain in the missions.
  personnel continue 1.12   Only emergency personnel continued to work.
  personnel go 1.12   As far as player personnel goes, it could be a very long process.
  personnel leave 1.12   Personnel left their bunkers but had to wear flak jackets and helmets.
  personnel try 1.05   Hospital personnel tried to revive the boy but it was no use.
  personnel use 1.05   On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.
  personnel help 0.86   He rang the bell until hotel personnel helped him.
  personnel rush 0.86   Rescue personnel were rushing to the scene.
  personnel train 0.86   Qatari military personnel routinely train in France.
  personnel travel 0.86   No medical personnel will travel to Zaire.
  personnel stay 0.79   Nineteen personnel stayed on the rig.
  personnel begin 0.72   Maintenance personnel have already begun inspecting the suspect parts.
  personnel report 0.72   Only essential personnel reported to work today at the lab.
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