persecute minority 0.86   Religious and ethnic minorities have been persecuted everywhere.
  persecute people 0.86   -- Stop persecuting its people.
  persecute medium 0.79   Lukashenko has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media.
  persecute opponent 0.39   He added that Pinochet cannot be charged with genocide because political opponents were not persecuted because of their race or religion.
  persecute opposition 0.33   The NCNP spokesman accused the government of persecuting the opposition.
  persecute believer 0.26   It focused mostly on Christians, now the most widely persecuted believers in the world.
  persecute dissident 0.26   China has continued to persecute dissidents after the massacre, and many have fled to the West.
  persecute group 0.26   Today in China, political opponents are imprisoned without trial and religious groups are persecuted.
  persecute supporter 0.26   The MQM in turn accuses the government of persecuting its supporters.
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