period costume 3.36   Neither do the period costumes.
  period furniture 1.97   So is the period furniture.
  period style 1.71   The rooms are done in period style.
  period detail 1.58   I like the attention to period detail.
  period instrument 1.25   The orchestra plays on period instruments.
  period goal 1.12   Daze had two goals in a six-goal first period by Chicago.
  period music 1.05   Performing or listening to period music.
  period room 1.05   They made no attempt to create accurate period rooms.
  period film 0.86   Five period films about heroism and sacrifice?
  period dress 0.72   So does Dorothy Mane, who favors going back in time and donning period dress.
  period beginning 0.66   The free-roaming horses were shot multiple times within a three-day period beginning on Christmas Day.
  period clothing 0.66   Everyone is decked out in period clothing.
  period drama 0.59   Ang, though, is not wedded to period dramas.
  period furnishing 0.59   Plush armchairs and wooden blinds are among the period furnishings.
  period photograph 0.53   Period photographs add authenticity.
  period painting 0.46   The history lessons are illustrated with period paintings or engravings.
  period garb 0.39   A Colonial theme park with actors in period garb.
  period movie 0.39   The above scene is not from a period movie.
  period architecture 0.33   Charleston is a treasure chest of period architecture and a mecca for antiques buffs.
  period are 0.33   Pigs born during this period are an indication of pork supplies next spring.
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