performance be 94.08   The performance was excellent.
  performance have 5.53   His performance has juicy moments.
  performance come 4.48   The recent performance came as sweet relief.
  performance improve 3.82   Performance improved.
  performance make 3.29   Her performance makes this movie go.
  performance earn 2.90   His terrific performance earned him a deal.
  performance go 2.63   The performance had gone well.
  performance help 2.57   These performances should help.
  performance seem 2.50   And his performance seems to get only better.
  performance continue 2.04   Performances will continue in a steady stream.
  performance begin 1.91   Performances begin Saturday.
  performance reflect 1.91   That performance may have reflected on Gutkowski.
  performance give 1.84   The performances give the film heart-stirring moments.
  performance suffer 1.78   Performance suffers.
  performance bring 1.58   That performance brought many to their feet to applaud.
  performance win 1.51   That performance won Hanks an Oscar.
  performance do 1.45   But his recent performances do not.
  performance become 1.38   His performance suddenly becomes whole.
  performance show 1.38   His performance showed it.
  performance suggest 1.38   His performance suggested otherwise.
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