perform use 1.78   Eye surgery is often performed using a local anaesthetic.
  perform determine 1.65   An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.
  perform accord 0.46   Developing and mounting were performed according to the same protocol as for the PAP procedure.
  perform remove 0.46   Surgery was performed to remove fluid around her brain.
  perform compare 0.33   The reviews examine how a manager performs compared with his peers and benchmark.
  perform exclude 0.26   An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy should be performed to exclude other abnormalities.
  perform help 0.26   Havel cannot speak due to a tracheotomy performed to help him use the respirator.
  perform see 0.26   If a mass is detected in the mammogram, then the doctor usually has a biopsy performed to see if it is cancerous.
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