penny a 5.46   That reduced earnings about a penny a share.
  penny of 3.95   Every penny of it.
  penny on 3.42   -- two thirds of a penny on the rate.
  penny in 3.23   No, first penny in the pub.
  penny per 2.70   How many pennies per gram?
  penny for 2.57   A penny for your thoughts?
  penny from 2.30   Pennies from Heaven?
  penny to 1.32   He died without a penny to his name.
  penny short_of 0.79   Results fell a penny short of forecasts of analysts.
  penny at 0.66   In study hall, they threw pennies at him.
  penny against 0.39   Celebrities, politicians, athletes, chefs, tossing pennies against a wall.
  penny as 0.39   Use a penny as a tread depth gauge.
  penny by 0.39   You know, where you put a penny by each week in case your nipper gets sick and dies.
  penny into 0.33   Dropping my penny into the collection plate.
  penny off 0.26   Coffee-shop coupons beat scraping pennies off my dresser for a morning cup.
  penny out_of 0.26   The pressure to shake pennies out of small, local jails is even greater.
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