pend investigation 26.07   He was not cited pending further investigation.
  pend outcome 23.83   Both have been suspended with pay pending the outcome.
  pend appeal 19.22   Aberson was free pending an appeal.
  pend approval 14.09   The deal is pending state approval.
  pend notification 13.50   His name was withheld pending notification of family.
  pend trial 11.52   He was released pending trial.
  pend hearing 10.20   He is able to play pending a hearing.
  pend result 7.37   The shops are being closed pending the results of analyses.
  pend decision 7.24   Pending a decision, Mrs. Peng remains in prison.
  pend announcement 5.92   AMRE shares were halted pending the announcement.
  pend review 5.33   That sale is pending federal review.
  pend completion 4.15   Socha said six officials were suspended pending completion of the probe.
  pend ruling 3.09   Wolf had been free on bond pending the ruling.
  pend election 2.70   He has been ruling by decree pending new elections.
  pend inquiry 2.57   She was released pending further inquiries.
  pend charge 2.50   The client was released pending possible charges.
  pend resolution 2.30   It remains vacant pending the resolution of the case, Richman said.
  pend proceeding 2.04   They will remain in custody pending further proceedings.
  pend extradition 1.84   Ferraro was held pending extradition.
  pend statement 1.84   The spokesman declined to elaborate, pending a statement from Holvis.
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