peg currency 6.19   Its currency is pegged to the dollar.
  peg dollar 3.23   The Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the US unit.
  peg peso 2.44   The peso is pegged one-to-one with the dollar.
  peg rupiah 1.78   A board would peg the rupiah against the dollar at a fixed exchange rate.
  peg value 1.18   He privatized, deregulated and pegged the value of the peso to the dollar.
  peg price 0.72   Oil prices are pegged to the dollar.
  peg baht 0.53   Thailand eventually had to abandon its policy of pegging the baht to a basket of currencies, primarily the dollar.
  peg hope 0.53   Tobishima and other builders are pegging their hopes on consumer spending.
  peg increase 0.46   Current increases are pegged to the rate of growth in the CPI.
  peg rate 0.26   Typically, adjustable rates are pegged to the one-year US Treasury bill.
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