peculiar way 2.90   Each had its peculiar ways.
  peculiar thing 1.58   It was a very peculiar thing.
  peculiar form 0.99   This is our peculiar form of assimilation.
  peculiar circumstance 0.92   Yet the peculiar circumstances of the Holocaust do make it unique.
  peculiar kind 0.72   Many of the foot soldiers come back with a peculiar kind of war story.
  peculiar nature 0.72   The peculiar nature of the Sports Emmy rests in the tapes.
  peculiar problem 0.72   We modern folk have a peculiar problem.
  peculiar position 0.59   So the poet is left in a peculiar position.
  peculiar mix 0.53   That tension makes for a peculiar mix.
  peculiar relationship 0.53   London has always had a peculiar relationship to the rest of Britain.
  peculiar situation 0.53   It was a peculiar situation.
  peculiar taste 0.53   The sweets had a rather peculiar taste.
  peculiar habit 0.46   I think I gave up the few peculiar habits I had when I started playing in England.
  peculiar property 0.46   Aging has peculiar properties.
  peculiar reason 0.46   Here, the losses are caused by peculiar reasons.
  peculiar sense 0.46   Mr Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour.
  peculiar smell 0.46   This cheese has a peculiar smell.
  peculiar brand 0.39   Our peculiar brand of civility allows it.
  peculiar fascination 0.39   Ants often hold a peculiar fascination for kids.
  peculiar institution 0.39   We all are owed an apology for that peculiar institution.
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