payment be 41.80   All payments are tax free.
  payment come 3.62   Next came the payment.
  payment go 2.76   Where have my payments gone?
  payment begin 2.44   Afterward, regular car payments begin.
  payment have 1.91   Threats have failed, and so have cash payments.
  payment make 1.51   But the lower payment has not made her finances any easier.
  payment cover 1.12   Insurance payments will cover most of his salary.
  payment rise 1.05   Debt payments would rise, for example.
  payment stop 0.99   Then the payments stopped.
  payment help 0.92   Lower interest payments also helped the company.
  payment start 0.92   Payments start in December.
  payment take 0.86   The payments take different forms.
  payment increase 0.79   Additional payments increase only the cash value.
  payment become 0.72   Those payments became available to invest this week.
  payment vary 0.72   Naturally, payment varies.
  payment amount 0.66   It found the payments amounted to a bribe.
  payment fall 0.66   Barter payments fell.
  payment settle 0.66   These payments have settled all potential claims against him.
  payment continue 0.59   For nine years, the monthly payments continued.
  payment depend 0.53   Further payments depend on economic performance at the unit.
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