paying customer 8.29   Forget the paying customers.
  paying job 5.66   He has five paying jobs.
  paying attention 4.02   Paying attention may be overrated.
  paying public 2.04   A paying public is needed, too.
  paying passenger 1.78   She sometimes flies paying passengers in Lear jets.
  paying tax 1.65   Is it worth paying taxes now to avoid taxes later?
  paying guest 0.92   At that time my mother took in paying guests.
  paying tribute 0.86   Paying tribute to the men and women who first challenged bigotry.
  paying audience 0.72   In front of a paying audience.
  paying fan 0.59   How many paying fans really care that games last too long?
  paying client 0.53   Brannon, she said, was never a paying client.
  paying subscriber 0.53   Nor is the absence of paying subscribers evidence of illegitimacy.
  paying wage 0.53   But it has rejected paying back wages for slave laborers, arguing the companies involved were responsible.
  paying bill 0.46   During apartheid, blacks boycotted paying bills.
  paying people 0.46   Even paying people, Bruant cannot find enough help.
  paying compensation 0.39   Some of the income goes toward paying compensation for the war over Kuwait, but most goes to Iraq.
  paying dividend 0.39   Youth programme paying dividends in Kedah, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  paying money 0.39   Your just paying money.
  paying overtime 0.39   For, heroes or otherwise, it is hell paying overtime in these trying times.
  paying ransom 0.39   The U.S. State Department has ruled out paying ransom.
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